Monday, July 11, 2011



 “If you tried to number God’s blessings, you could never count them. God is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Surat an-Nahl: 18)

 “If you tried to number God’s blessings, you could never count them. God is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Surat an-Nahl: 18)


Take some time to “download” a knowledge or two in your system!

Take some time to “download” a knowledge or two in your system!


Whenever you feel down, upset, frustrated or sad overall; don’t be! Place your hope and faith in Allah, for He is always there with you. :)

Whenever you feel down, upset, frustrated or sad overall; don’t be! Place your hope and faith in Allah, for He is always there with you. :)


Glory to Allah, our most awesome Creator! ♥

Glory to Allah, our most awesome Creator!


Shh! Use indoor voices! :>

Shh! Use indoor voices! :>


If you see a stray animal, why not buy proper food (not  leftovers) from the store or nearest restaurant and feed it? Allah will  reward you for this noble action, insyallah. :)

If you see a stray animal, why not buy proper food (not leftovers) from the store or nearest restaurant and feed it? Allah will reward you for this noble action, insyallah. :)


Don’t forget to say “Thank You” whenever you need to! :)

Don’t forget to say “Thank You” whenever you need to! :)


Retire to your beds early and be refreshed in the morning for Subuh prayers! :)

Retire to your beds early and be refreshed in the morning for Subuh prayers! :)


Allah is Great! Look at all the wonders and the blessings He gave to all of us, masyallah. :)

Allah is Great! Look at all the wonders and the blessings He gave to all of us, masyallah. :)


Hug someone today! Hugs can make one warm and feeling joyous, so go hug your mum, dad, friend (or your cat?) And remember, strictly MAHRAM only! (which means don’t go hugging your “girlfriend” or so). :)

Hug someone today! Hugs can make one warm and feeling joyous, so go hug your mum, dad, friend (or your cat?) And remember, strictly MAHRAM only! (which means don’t go hugging your “girlfriend” or so). :)


Make a du’a or wish to Allah right now; He listens all the time :)

Make a du’a or wish to Allah right now; He listens all the time :)


Grab your Quran and recite a short surah today :D

Grab your Quran and recite a short surah today :D


Smile! It’s saqadah! :)

Smile! It’s saqadah! :)
source of picture  :

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