Sunday, April 24, 2011

i just like it so much

beuty in everything
subhanallah ^_^
we should think about this

Thursday, April 21, 2011

with iman

With Iman

By Asma Nayeem

With Iman comes knowledge
of the meaning of existence,
With Iman comes belief
in reward and punishment!

With Iman comes awareness
of the right and the wrong,
With Iman comes the journey
to Kabah where people throng!

With Iman comes gratitude
for the mercy & blessings,
With Iman comes contentment
with little, or nothing!

With Iman come acceptance
of the highs & lows,
With Iman comes patience
in life’s ups and downs !

With Iman comes the difference
of the good and the bad,
With Iman comes respect
for the young and the old!

With Iman comes fear
of the day of judgement,
With Iman comes repentance
and steadfastness in prayer!

With Iman comes obedience
to the ordainment of Allah,
With Iman comes surrender
to the decree of the hour!

With Iman comes judgement
between the evil and the good,
With Iman comes adaptability
to the everchanging livelihood!

With Iman comes humility
of the soul from within,
With Iman comes kindness
to fellow humans & kith & kin!

With Iman comes appreciation
of creation and beauty,
With Iman comes the strife
to attain levels of purity!

With Iman comes love
of Allah the supreme,
With Iman comes following
Rasul’s (SAW) preaching!

With Iman comes lodging
of this life so temporary,
With Iman comes desire
for heaven as final dwelling!

source : my favorite article 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oki Setiana. D

-welcome- Muslimah Inspiration

~About Oki Setiana Dewi ^_^

LokasiDepok Indonesia
Tanggal Lahir
13 Januari 1989
“Ya ALLAH, jadikan diriku lebih baik daripada sangkaan mereka, janganlah Engkau hukum aku karena ucapan mereka dan ampunilah daku lantaran ketidak tahuan mereka”,(Abu Bakar As-Shiddiq ra)" bagiMulah segala puja puji, dgn hati badan dan lisanku.

Informasi Pribadi
Lahir di Batam, Kepulauan Riau, 13 Januari 1989(umur 21 tahun) adalah seorang aktris Indonesia yang memerankan tokoh Anna Althafunnisa dalam film Ketika Cinta Bertasbih.

Oki lahir dari pasangan berdarah Jawa-Palembang, Sulyanto dan Yunifah Lismawati. Anak pertama dari tiga bersaudara yang semuanya perempuan.

Sejak usia 16 tahun, Oki telah merantau ke Jawa dan menetap di Depok. Sekarang sedang menempuh pendidikan di Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia.
Minat Pribadi
Membaca, menulis, berdiskusi
                                                   Situs Web    

Selain itu ia juga punya segudang prestasi seperti :
  • Aktris Terbaik Festival Teater “Petang Kreatif” FIB UI 2008
  • Mahasiswa Baru Terbaik “Orientasi Kehidupan Kampus” UI [2007];
  • Juara II Speech Contest tk. SLTA se-Jabodetabek PPPG Bahasa, 2nd Winner Debating
  • Constest tingkat Provinsi Jawa Barat [2005];
  • Juara I Busana Muslim “Anak Negeri Lancang Kuning” se-Kepulauan Riau;
  • Princess Fotogenic Hotel Mulia Panorama Batam [2004];
  • Unggulan Covergirl Aneka Yess [2003];
  • Putri Bunga Argadia Tingkat Nasional di Jakarta.

Ia juga ingin membuktikan bahwa akhwat berjilbab pun bisa main film dan berprestasi tidak kalah dengan yang lainnya. “Hal ini juga sesuatu yang baik, kenapa nggak aku coba, masyrakat kita kan selalu meniru apa yang ditonton, aku berharap dengan peranku bisa membawa ke arah yang positif,” jelas akhwat yang hobi menulis dan membaca ini.
kabarnya, mahasisiwi Sastra Belanda Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Indonesia ini, ia akan tetap dijalur akting jika bisa memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat. Sekarang selain dirinya sudah mulai lebih dikenal, ia juga mengakui dengan terjun di dunia hiburan ia lebih banyak mendapat ilmu, wawasan dan pengalaman yang tidak mungkin ia peroleh jika hanya berada di kampus.

~ kak Oki's Activity ^_^

dalam acara Talk show -"Jilbab-My identity" SMAN 1 Bogor

talkshow "Internet Sehat dan aman " Bersama Pak Tifatul . S (Menkominfo)

Road show Buku " Melukis Pelangi " di Gramedia matraman

Road Show Buku "melukis Pelangi " Palembang Square

Road Show buku " Melukis Pelangi " di Gramedia Merdeka Bandung

akhwat fillah, i'm sorry if I over show the pict,
i just want to show her muslimah style
you might also like her hijab style  ^_^

akhwat fillah rahimakumullah,
maha Suci Allah yang telah menciptakan kita.
Dialah Sebaik-baiknya Pencipta.
semoga sedikit informasi tentang kak Oki setiana Dewi ini, bisa menjadi "our inspiration"^_^
mungkin, One thing that we should remember is "hidup Adalah perjuangan tanpa Henti-henti . MAN JADDA WAJADA" . as Oki Setiana Said on her twitter ^_^

-Muslimah inspiration-
pict was taken in Oki Setiana's Facebook

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Letter from a muslim girl to her christian parents

A Letter from a muslim girl to her christian parents

Hello Mami and Papi,

I don't know how else to approach you in order to explain my
reasoning behind my life changing decision and have you listen and
understand at the same time.

Since I can long remember I have not be a strong believer of
Christianity, there was a lot that did not make sense to me, for
example, why I have to beg for forgiveness to a priest? Why I have to
pray to saints and not straight to God, why is Jesus the SON of God,
why are their SOO many versions of the bible?

Prior to the beginning of my sophomore semester (September 2005) my
curiosity took its place and I went ahead and began doing some
research. This research of course was mild, but when Ramadan hit in
October of 2005 I observed the way my Muslim friends used to worship
Allah (God) and how they were so true to their religion, it was

The religion became a fascination to me, and I truly
wanted to know more. I purchased a few books in the UK and read some
pamphlets on the religion. I did not make any decisions but I
continued to read and become more familiar to Islam.

Islam began making sense to me, the idea that we pray only to Allah,
that we ask Allah for help and for forgive us, how a book (the Quran)
that was written thousands of years ago remains unchanged as of today
(there are different translations but no different versions) . Also
how a book that was written years ago managed to explain scientific
situations that was only discovered by man kind only a couple of year
ago. Or how the Quran has managed to explains how babies develop in
the womb? How would anyone thousands of years ago know this and in
such detail? Especially since scientist discovered the explanation of
these situations less that 100 years ago?? How can we explain those
wonders of the book? Also how can I deny the holy book when it has
been so clear in explaining advanced technology, how the day turns
into the night, the creation of human beings by water (as we know
scientifically to be known that we came from cells) layers of heaven
(which we describe now in scientific terms as the atmospheric
levels?). Furthermore, the beginning of the universe and the movement
of tectonic plates (there are numerous other examples of the science
behind the Quran).

What also has touched me is that Islam believes in
all coexist in he Quran, the Quran also tells us that we must respect
ALL religions. Mami and Papi, I can not explain how many times I have
made my self clear to you of what I believed in, I could not have
given myself away anymore! Every time I spoke hours and hours on end
about Islam, and how I knew so much.

Also I began of interacting more with Muslim friends; I felt that
they would be able to give me a clear explanation of Islam.

Islam played a major part in self respect, and it helped my
appreciate my self more, and realize that I should stay away from
harmful situation such as drinking, smoking, going out with people
that only meant trouble. I told you what my friends were like, they
were heading the wrong direction, and I did not want to be in that
direction and believing in Islam made it easier for me to walk away
from the powers of shayten and do better.

Also Islam was and has been
the reason for my success in school. I have placed my mind in my
studies instead of going out all the time as my old friends did, and
trust me you would not like me to be like them, because if I had been
than you would have every single reason to think I was a bad person,
that I was irresponsible and that I was a disgrace to the family.
After almost one year of studying Islam I had no doubt in my mind
that it was not the right religion.

I was prepared to become a Sunni
Muslim. In early June 2006 I attended the mosque in Westbury NY to
ask further questions about Islam and after speaking to a sister and
the imam of the mosque I knew that it was time to make the right
decision. I did shahada around 2 weeks later which is the Islamic
creed; it means to testify or to bear witness in Arabic, the
declaration of the belief. I stated in front of 80- 100 Muslims "ash
hadu anla ilaha illallah, wa ash hadu anla Mohammad roosul Allah"
which translates to "I believe in one and only God and Mohammad is
his messenger" It was such a beautiful experience. I had been
accepted into the Islam. I was welcomed by every single Muslim at the
mosque with open arms, I felt too special, it felt so right, I knew I
had made the best decision in my life, and it was something that was
going to bring positive sides of me. It is so hard to explain the
rush, and the emotional and faith satisfaction that I had at that
moment, but I knew there was something wrong, that I was not able to
celebrate my happiness with the people in my life that I loved the
most, the meant to most to me, and that was you and papi. The moment
was wonderful but not complete. I really wish you could have been as
proud of me as I was for myself.

It hurt so much to think and feel
that my biggest challenge would be to openly tell you about me and
Islam, about me and my faith, about me and my happiness. I know that
you both want the best for me, you want me to be happy and you want
me to be responsible, and you want me to be independent and make the
RIGHT decisions. I have done the right decision, and I made it all
by myself, and I read about Islam all by myself, I discovered Islam
in me all by myself, IT WAS ME who made every decision from the point
were I began in the Islamic interest to the point where I am now.

can't lie to you and tell you I had no influences because how else
would I have been influenced by wanting to know more about Islam?
Well from observing other people. How do we know as humans whether
eating a chocolate cake taste good or not? We taste it, we try others
to compare and then we make a final decision and if we like it we
continue to eat if we don't then we disregard it.

Mami and Papi, I know I might seem weak sometimes in certain
situations, and I know I display signs of vulnerability , but
converting into Islam was decided by me, its hard and it hurts to
think that all this studying, research of Islam and me converting has
been credited to someone else, but at the end of the day the only one
that knows the truth is God and it is to him that I will be standing
in front of on the day of Judgment, and it is him that knows

I believe in Islam, I believe in God, the only difference between
Christianity and Islam that I don't believe in is that Jesus is the
stated in the Quran that all the prophets were messengers of God,
they all came to spread the news and religion of God, but that they
all came in their own time, and that Mohammad (pbuh) was the last
messenger of God.

I know my word is hard to believe after the incidents these past two
days, but there is nothing more that I can do to prove to both of you
when it comes to the decisions that I made about Islam.

And most importantly I want you both to understand that it is
virtually impossible to explain ALL of my reasoning behind my belief
in Islam, this email is not even 1/100th of it all, I have spent
hours and hours and hours speaking to others about my feeling towards
Islam, and I wish and pray to Allah that one day I will be able to
express everything I feel about Islam with both of you.

I still
remain to be the daughter that you had almost 21 years ago, it has
not changed the way I feel about you, you still are the most
important people in my life, I love you both more than anything, I
just have a different belief and its one which will bring you no
shame, it will not physically hurt you, and I will not patronize our

I love you both very much and I only pray for the best,
Carolina Amirah DeFonseca
source :

Hijab is not a piece of cloth on your head

Assalamu 'Alaikum, Wr. Wb. all brothers and sisters.

I Hope InsyaaAllah this note will help sisters to understand the true meaning of “HIJAB“.
Just because some of the sisters have their head covered, they think that the requirement of Hijaab is fulfilled. They don’t realize that wearing a Hijaab requires much more than just covering your head.
Actually, if you think about it, Hijaab is the way you talk…..the way you walk….the very way you carry yourself. In fact, Hijaab is an attitude in itself. Its a whole way of life.

Allaah says:
“And say to the believing women to lower their gazes, and to guard their private parts, and not to display their beauty (zeenah) except what is apparent of it, and to extend their head coverings (khimars) to cover their bosoms (jaybs), and not to display their beauty except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband’s fathers, or their sons, or their husband’s sons, or their brothers, or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their womenfolk, or what their right hands rule (slaves), or the followers from the men who do not feel sexual desire, or the small children to whom the nakedness of women is not apparent, and not to strike their feet (on the ground) so as to make known what they hide of their adornments. And turn in repentance to Allah together, O you believers, in order that you are successful.” (Surat-un-Nur: 31).

some sister says:
"Well, my head is covered. What more do you want?"
If you look carefully at the ayah, it clearly states that the head covers (khumur) should be drawn over the neck slits (juyoob). Khumur is the plural of the Arabic word “khimar” which means a head cover. Juyoob is the plural of the Arabic word “jaiyb” ,which refers to the neck slit (of the dress).

Yet, some sisters just cover their head with something, and think they are fulfilling the rights of Hijaab, although part of their hair or body is showing, or their whole neck and chest area are exposed. Actually, that was the way of the women of Jahilliyah.

Al-Qurtubi said: “Women in those days used to cover their heads with the khimar, throwing its ends upon their backs. This left the neck and the upper part of the chest bare, along with the ears. Then Allah commanded them to cover those parts with the khimar.”

You can’t wear tight jeans and a short shirt with a piece of cloth on your head and think this is Hijaab. Nor can you wear anything else that is tight, describing the shape of the body in any way, even if it is long. The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:

“In later (generations) of my ummah there will be women who will be dressed but naked. On top of their heads (what looks) like camel humps. They will not enter into paradise or (even) get a smell of it.” (HR. Muslim)

leave the comment or question for difficult words.
Hope it will be useful for you. Jazakumullah.
source : a message from an islamic group in my fb -excellent english community-

Quran & The Clouds

Quran & The Clouds
Scientists have studied cloud types and have realized that rain clouds are formed and  shaped according to definite systems and certain steps connected with certain types of wind and clouds.

One kind of rain cloud is the cumulonimbus cloud  associated with thunderstorms. Meteorologists have studied how cumulonimbus clouds are formed and how they produce rain, hail, and lightning.
They have found that cumulonimbus cloud go through the following steps to produce rain: 

1- The clouds are pushed by the wind: Cumulonimbus clouds begin to form when wind pushes some small pieces of clouds (cumulus) clouds to an area where these clouds converge.
2- Joining: Then the small  clouds join together forming a larger cloud.
3- Stacking: When the small clouds join together, updrafts within the larger cloud increase. The updrafts near the center of the cloud are stronger than those near the edges. These updrafts cause the cloud body to grow vertically, so the cloud is stacked up. This vertical growth causes the cloud body to stretch into cooler regions of the atmosphere where drops of          water and hail formulate and begin to grow larger and larger. When these drops of water and hail become too heavy for the updrafts to support them, they begin to fall from the cloud as rain, hail, etc.

Allah said in the Qur'aan: (Notice the great detail) Have you not seen how Allah makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a stack, and then you see the rain come out of it...? [Qur'aan 24:43] 

Meteorologists have only recently come to know these details of cloud formation, structure, and function by using advanced equipment like planes, satellites, computers, balloons, and other equipment to study winds and its direction, to measure humidity and its variations, and to determine the levels and variations of atmospheric pressure. 

The preceding verse, after mentioning clouds and rain, speaks about hail and lightning:
And He sends down hail from mountains (clouds) in the sky, and He strikes with it  whomever He wills, and turns it from whoever He wills. The vivid flash of its lightning nearly blind s the sight. [Qur'aan 24:43]

Meteorologists have found that these cumulonimbus clouds, that shower hail, reach a height of 25,000 to 30,000 feet (4.7 to 5.7 miles), like mountains, as the Qur'aan said, And He sends down hail from mountains (clouds) in the sky... 

This verse may raise a question. Why does the verse say ...its lightning  in reference to the  hail? Does this mean that hail is the major factor in producing lightning? Let us see what the  book entitled Meteorology Today, says on this. It says that clouds become electrified as hail  falls through a region in the could of supercooled droplets and ice crystals. As liquid droplets collide with hail, they freeze on contact and release latent heat. This keeps the surface of the  hail warmer than that of the surrounding ice crystals.  When the hail comes in contact with and ice crystal, and important phenomenon occurs.  Electrons flow from the colder oblect toward the warmer object. Hence, the hail become  negatively charged, The same effect occurs when super cooled droplets come in contact with a piece of hail and tiny splinters of positively charged ice break off. These lighter, positively  charged particles are then carried to the upper part of the could by updrafts. The hail, left   with a negative charge, fall toward the bottom of the cloud, thus the lower part of the cloud  becomes negatively charged. These negative charges are then discharged to the ground as lightning. We conclude from this that hail is the major factor in producing lightning. 

This information on lightning was discovered recently. Until 1600 A.D., Aristotle's ideas on meteorology were dominant. or example, he said that the atmosphere contains two kinds of exhalation, moist and dry. He also said that thunder is the sound of the collision of the dry exhalation with the neighboring clouds, and lightning is the inflaming and burning of the dry exhalation with a thin and faint fire. These are some of the ideas on meteorology that were dominant at the time of the Qur'aan's revelation, fourteen centuries ago.

Hijab a Gift from Allah

akhwat fillah, this is an experiance or a journey of a muslimah when she decided to wear hijab. i was very interested on it. and i could find a lot of great point of hijab.
i hope you'll find too ^_^

Hijab a Gift from Allah

By: Jennifer Fayed


Hijab is the easiest decision that I made in Islam next to my reversion. I thought that starting to wear the headscarf would be difficult, but Alhamdulilah it was not. I remember how I first started to wear hijab. I was living alone for about a month in a room which the landlords were Indian Muslims. They were very sweet and kind people. I had made my decision to go attend the mosque for the first time, but first I needed to know how to wear hijab so I wouldn’t disrespect the Muslims in their place of worship. One day, I went knocking on their door not knowing the Islamic etiquette and I asked the woman, “Do you know how to wear the scarf?” She smiled and said, “Its easy just pin it under your chin”. I then told her, “Isn’t there a different way of wearing it?” insinuating that I liked the style of how some Muslim girls would wear it. She further told me that she didn’t go out much so when she did wear it, she would just pin it under her chin, but didn’t know other stylish ways of wearing hijab. I went home and had a big black pashmina made out of cotton, and did as my landlord suggested. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I looked really silly. I spent hours in front of the mirror trying to figure out how to wrap this piece of cloth around my head. I just didn’t know the secret, “agh…” I thought let me go shopping and see if there are easier scarves out there. It was going to be a more challenging search than what I had anticipated.There were square, rectangular, bright, solid, patterned all kinds of scarves. I searched everywhere and not knowing any practicing Muslims I was left to fend on my own. I didn’t know how to begin in wrapping the scarf. I was so confused. 
I finally entered a store where I think the salesgirl knew I was perplexed. I told her I needed a Muslim scarf the easiest one that they had available. She looked at me weirdly and told me this is what we have. She showed me a two-piece hijab that was white with lace on the trimming of the two pieces. So I said “Thanks, how much?” I was so ecstatic when I walked out the store I had bought my first hijab. I couldn’t wait to get home and figure out how to put it on. How difficult could a two-piece hijab really be? When I got home I took the package out of the bag. I ripped the plastic open, and I was very excited to see how it felt and looked out of the plastic. I was facing the room mirror when I put it on. The thing was that I didn’t know that the lace part goes on my forehead not behind my head. I put it on excited I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I thought I looked so pretty in my new hijab. I looked at the lady on the package and realized that I was wearing it the wrong way. My first of many trials in Islam, good thing I was alone and no one was there to laugh at me. That same day I went to the mosque, and I loved how hijab made me feel. I remember walking in the street and people giving me hateful stares. I jumped on the train and noticed that almost everyone in the train cart was looking at me (talk about the pressure). My favorite thing about wearing hijab was the feeling of security and freedom. 
It was the first time in my life that a man didn’t yell and holler on what a hot babe I was. It was as if I were invisible to the opposite sex. I honestly had this sense of liberation in my heart. I didn’t know what a beautiful feeling I would have while wearing hijab. I very shortly discovered that hijab was a blessing from Allah (swt) His divinely wisdom in protecting the woman.
Allah (swt) says (Interpretation of meaning): 33:59 “O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
One of the purposes of hijab is to protect women and to elevate us from being viewed only as sexual beings. I saw this everyday when I wore hijab. If I had to talk to a man he wouldn’t see me anymore as this piece of flesh. I was seen as an equal and they would be captivated by what my mind possessed. I was so proud of this achievement. I was taught in the past by my society that feminism was the capacity to do things better than men, and that there was nothing wrong in using my sexual appeal to attain my personal ambitions. After discovering hijab, I realized that these concepts that western society has, only inhibits women’s true beauty and intelligence.Western society has cast this veil over women to promote their ideology of what women should be. Everywhere you look in the west you are constantly bombarded with the idea that sex sells and some women naively fall into this trap. This is one of the astonishing concepts of Western society. It connects political oppression with moral negligence. This relationship has been brought about by many rulers both past and present. It’s a means to keep people preoccupied with their own desires and vain obsessions. They do this in an effort so the people won’t be interested and would be very distant from public affairs. In my opinion, I feel that the prophet (pbuh) had predicted or seen what women would be consumed with centuries later. 
There’s a hadith that Abu Hurairah narrates that the messenger of Allah peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said:“I will not be a witness for two types of people who are destined for the Fire: people with whips, like the tails of cows, who beat the people (i.e., tyrannical rulers who are the enemies of their own people), and women who, although clothed, are yet naked, seducing and being seduced, their hair styled like the tilted humps of camels. These will not enter the Garden nor will its fragrance even reach them, although its fragrance reaches a very great distance”.
Islam came over 1400 years ago to free us from this form of slavery that society has marketed. We no longer have to be society’s puppets. Allah brought and revealed hijab to safeguard us from many afflictions and adversity. Alhamdulilah, I am so honored and blessed that Allah (swt) has unveiled my eyes so I can see the true ways of society and see the virtues of being a Hijabi. May Allah (swt) guide and safeguard us from worldly desires and reward us with the gardens of paradise, Amin.